
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on maaliskuu, 2020.

Snow Surfing

Due the big snow amount, we have had this winter in Lapland, snow surfing has been the thing to do. As many people I know, has been snow surfing, as many people has been asking me "What is snow surfing?" This always little bit confuse me. For first because it is weird that somebody doesn't know at least one person who has done it. And for second, What can I say to explain it? It is just what it sounds like, snow surfing a.k.a surfing on the snow. You know surfing right? Big influence for snow surfing coming so popular here at my living zone, is my dear friend, who taught himself to build a snow surf board and then helped all of us who wanted to build our own. The man is genius with his DIY skills and the most kind person I have ever met. So, before heading out to my next adventure, I built my own equipment, like a hardcore adventurer would do. And I'm so proud of myself! Plus it was super fun to de...