
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on tammikuu, 2021.

Aakenustunturi and The Snoring Blue Mussels

Aakenustunturi, Kittilä We decided to take a rather spontaneous get-away with my girlfriends. And I have to admit, I have never been so poorly prepared for an adventure. With all the wonderful art projects keeping me occupied, which I'm, believe it or not, getting payed for, the preparation for the over night winter adventure went so, that the evening before I run to the shop to buy food supplies and on the morning we were supposed to go, I start packing at 6 am, which included just mustering everything up in unorganized piles, wondering where is my backpack and finally finding it from the basement. All it while fearing I would forget something important and would be caring too much unnecessary things with me.   But as we started to drive towards Kittilä and the day started to break, all the anxiousness melted away. The adventure truly begun, when we realized the road and the parking lot, we were planing to use, where not winter maintained. We were lucky for our four wheel drive an...