
Giilavárri - Se joka menee ylös, on sen myös tultava alas

Vesisateen, tuulen ja pakkasen kovettama lumi oli puolimatkaan saakka niin jäistä, että edes hankiraudat eivät tahtoneet pitää. Tämä ei ollut kovinkaan yllättävää, olimmehan seuranneet säätietoja. Kovat tuulen puuskat myös aika-ajoin työnsivät kiusallisesti joka suuntaan. Tämäkin oli odotettavissa. Kompuroimme kuitenkin lopulta ylhäällä odottavaan kuruun, jossa lumi muuttui pehmeämmäksi. Kiipesimme ylös kurun jyrkkää peräseinää ja odotukset alkoivat olla paremmat, ehkä tästä kuitenkin vielä hyvät laskut saataisiin! Kun pääsimme kurusta tasaisemmalle maalle, hyökyi tuuli päällemme huippuharjanteen takaa käsittämättömällä voimalla. Kasvot oli pakko paketoida puffeihin ja huppuun. Näkökenttä kapeni olemattomaksi. Laskulasit olisivat olleet repussa, mutta ei niitä uskaltanut alkaa kaivamaan, etteivät irtotavarat lentäisi tuulen matkaan. Olin ehdottomasti mukavuusalueeni ulkopuolella. Huipulle oli vielä matkaa vajaa 100 metriä. Päätettiin lähteä yrittää. Ärsyttäisi näin lähellä kääntyä tak...

Pallas - The story of bravery in a story where things went horribly wrong

This is a story of bravery in a story where things went horrible wrong. We had a plan for a great adventure.  We would ski over Pallas fell, admire the view from the various peaks on the way and camp in the valley beyond. The sky wasn't as clear and the wind was stronger than forecast had promised last night. But the clouds where high enough to keep the peaks clear. I was feeling bit tired from the past working week and my stomach had been bit weird, but it was nothing new to me. The up hill to the first peak was hard, bit harder than I had expected, but being already tired, I told myself, I should not expect too much from myself. Just take it easy and enjoy. The path followed a side of the first peak, leaving gently sloping kuru canyon to our left side. Getting higher the slope turned so icy, that my skies were sliping side ways to the down hill. I tried to follow old ski tracks to keep my skies in the course and to keep my anckles as straight as possible, ...

A Viking Chemise - Learning New Things

In the beginning I want to say, this is not going to be a sewing tutorial. I'm not going to teach you how the hand sew a chemise. How ever, if you want to sew your own hang-around-home gown, you should visit Mrs. Morgan Donner's youtube chanel . That's were I got the information needed for this projects. And she is a good teacher and a fun personality. So that been said, here I will share some pictures from my sewing journey along with the thoughts I had on the way.   The whole idea has been on my mind for a while now. Some of you might know,  that I'm into the whole viking re-enactment thing and have been doing quite well, for several years now, with my first ever machine sewn viking outfit, which is made from an old curtain bought from a second-hand store along with the old lamb skin vest I got from my grand mom. And I have been, and still are, really proud of the costume. Picture by Monica Nordling Some people I have over heard saying, that you can't be truly par...

Rock Hunting - The thing to do while the climbing is banned

"Can you picture us living in a place, where it would be possible to climb when ever we want?" This is a game we play often in the evening, while waiting for a sleep to catch us. This has particularly come our routine now, when all the indoors activities are prohibited, and during the long and snowy Northern winter only possibility to continue climbing is indoors. Rock climbing or bouldering in -20 degrees would be little bit too much. And also dangerous for that matter. So we have intentionally turned our eyes to the future and to the summer to come. When the snow melts away and it will be plus degrees, what kind of routes we wanna climb? Sure we have a lot of unfinished projects waiting for us. But what we can do right now? We can hunt. Earlier it has been just something we have done, if there hasn't been anything else to do or we have just accidentally found an ok nice new boulder on our mushroom picking trip. But it has always been more like blind shooting and pocking...

Alma Harmaa - The Dance Production

Picture Juhamatti Julkunen It has now been one week sense the shows. I'm still wrapping my head around everything that happened. Being a part of the working crew, was a huge privileged for me and I want to believe it shall open some new doors for me. Guide me on a new path in life. I'm hopeful and little bit scared. Hopeful for it will give me new opportunities on my career and working with things I actually want to work for. And scared for if it's not going to work and I would need go back to the old path. To the path I ended up accidentally and unintentionally in the first place. I really really don't want to go back there. Picture Juhamatti Julkunen About the dance production. It all started, when I happened to mention to the artistic director, Miikka Ryytty , that I would love to write a book.  Where he asked,  if I would first like to write a script for the dance production and make a book after that. We agreed. I didn't have any clue about writing a real scrip...

Aakenustunturi and The Snoring Blue Mussels

Aakenustunturi, Kittilä We decided to take a rather spontaneous get-away with my girlfriends. And I have to admit, I have never been so poorly prepared for an adventure. With all the wonderful art projects keeping me occupied, which I'm, believe it or not, getting payed for, the preparation for the over night winter adventure went so, that the evening before I run to the shop to buy food supplies and on the morning we were supposed to go, I start packing at 6 am, which included just mustering everything up in unorganized piles, wondering where is my backpack and finally finding it from the basement. All it while fearing I would forget something important and would be caring too much unnecessary things with me.   But as we started to drive towards Kittilä and the day started to break, all the anxiousness melted away. The adventure truly begun, when we realized the road and the parking lot, we were planing to use, where not winter maintained. We were lucky for our four wheel drive an...