I actually decided to take my own advice quite literally. So on my way to work I stopped the car next to this small river, which I cross every day on my way. I started to walk bushy track, that was following the river. The place weren't magical or exceptionally interesting, but I was smiling. Just being outside. For stopping. The river is called Vaiskojoki I found a lot of beautiful plants by the river and nearby swamp. Maariankämmekkä or Heath spotted-orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata ) is actually very common in the north, and yet it stands out from the other vegetation as an exotic Orchid family member. Suopursu or Wild rosemary ( Rhododendron tomentosum ) is one of my favorite plants. I love the strong smell which always welcome me when entering to a swamp. Metsätähti or Arctic starflower ( Trientalis europaea ) is surprisingly common here in the north. I think it's really beautiful. Mesimarja or Arctic raspberry (...