The Waterfowl Season
The waterfowl season started on Tuesday at twelve a'clock. In the fowl hunting community this is called "the start". All the village hunters gather to the common hunting lake. They all have their own spot, where they come every season. They set up their camouflage and sit to wait. At twelve a'clock everybody is exited. Who will shoot the first shot and start the season. This year I had the privilege to come with and experience this tradition. I have never before been on a hunt. I come from academic family, so there has been no hunters around me, when I was young. Here in Lapland it seems that every other person hunt. And hunting is pacing the seasons. I'm kinda jealous to the northern children, who's grandfather has been taking them to hunt or past his knowledge to them. Although I was so scared of everything as a child, that I would had probably said "no" and cryed if someone would had tried to hand me a gun. T...