Kuuraista Kiveä ~ Climbing in Lapland

I haven't been writing too much lately.
As you might have noticed.
First it was the exhaustion from the work,
then came all the fuzz with corona,
then the slush season
and finally the outdoor climbing season was fully on.
And I wanted to break from the mental chains
from this spring and do all the things
I graved to do, but for one reason or an other
wasn't able to do.



And now to the actual topic of this writing.


I have always loved climbing.
Like most of the children.
I just never stopped as I grew older.
Last autumn I found climbing in my life
at a totally new level.
Suddenly I had a whole group of adults around me,
for whom climbing was a serious hobby
and a way of life.
I was thrilled and excited.

I started training at indoor climbing wall.
And I developed fast as a climber.
I felt like,
I had found yet an other thing in my life
that I love and I'm good at.

Then came corona
and closed our climbing wall.

I kept training my muscles and fingers at home.
And when the first spring days came,
with temperature only few degrees under zero,
we skied to the near by rocks
and started shoveling them out from the snow.
Fingers crossed,
that the spring sun would be warm enough
to dry them out.

At first the climbing
and changing the gear was quite acrobatic.
But we learned to do it.
Finally the biggest problem was the frozen fingers.
But it got better when the spring went on.


And now when the snow is gone
and it has been exceptionally dry and sunny summer so far,
all the free time we have,
has been used for climbing.

And here we come to the point
why I haven't been writing.

Endless and endless bouldering days.
Every weekend a new climbing adventure.
Thousands stories untold.


Until my phone,
whom serves me as my camera and video recorder,
informed that she is full.
And can't take no more.

This totally took me as a surprise.
What, there is no limitless space in my phone?!

Sure I knew it,
that this day would come at some point,
as I had so carelessly just been photographing and filming
without even giving a thought for how and where to store all the material.

So now,
as I'm emptying my phone
and storing everything to my computer,
I was kind of forced to sit down.
And I didn't have any excuse left
for not writing something.

Luckily for me,
it's raining today.
So sitting inside doesn't feel that bad.


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