
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on joulukuu, 2020.

Ave Maria

 This writing will be in Finnish. I'm sorry for this and promise not to make it a habit. I was watching TV and there was famous people performing Christmas carols. One of them was Ave Maria by Arja Koriseva. She sang half of the song in Finnish and other half of it in original language. How the famous song sounded with Finnish translations and long "Aaave Maria", inspired me to write a Christmas poem called "Aave Maria". Here you go. Aave Maria Aave Maria Kulkee hiljaisin Askelin näkymättömin Huoneesta toiseen Kuin eilisen Kaiken muistaen Tuoksun neulasten Kiireettömyyden Riemun kiljahduksen Tulipesän lämpöisen Kylkeä koskettaa Kauan sitten sammuneen Sormet piipun lävistää Aave Maria Jatkaa kulkuaan Tuvan nurkkaan seisahtaa Hirsiä mustimpia Hiilloksen kirjomia Uskalla ei koskettaa Pienen pientä kynttilää Kuusen oksalle sovittaa Tuhannen tuikun lämpö korventaa Muttei enään Savun jo haihtuneen lailla Ilmaan katoaa

Pappilanniemi - The Small Wonders

The weirdest thing happened to us. The day before everything was fine. More than fine. I felt myself invincible. I was climbing like a monkey. Sending road after road. I was riding the tide. What the day after brought us was... We both came sick. Like really sick. Midday after lunch. I felt awful and needed to go to bed. AK send me message from the work. "How are you? I'm not good." That night and the days to follow, we lied in our bed. Eyes closed, hand in hand, we waited for the pain to stop. Only help we could get, was that they tested us for covid-19. It wasn't covid. So bye-bye and try no manage by yourself. On those long hours, when we waited, will the painkillers stay inside long enough to start effecting and if so, will they work this time and for how long before the pain comes back. We still don't know what the disease was or where we got it. But it was definitely the worst we have ever went through. And there were moments when, I swear to gods, we were h...

Nuolikuru - The Sound of Silence

Nuolikuru, Lapland The general powerlessness, which had been the theme for my autumn days, was again giving me "good" advices to just stay home and not see anybody. Or was it our government's voice? Sometimes I'm not sure anymore. Luckily for me I had promised to go for a day adventure to Nuolikuru canyon ( Arrow Canyon ) with my dear French Friend. We start to drive when it was still dark and arrived to the canyon just when the darkness start to give away for the daylight. The air was cold and I felt little bit chilly. The autumn weather had staid mild and there had not been proper frozen days yet. But the snow had finally come back after a month of absence. Hopefully for good this time. Everything looked so much more brighter and lighter with the snow. We both could feel our minds and bodies growing more lighter and relaxed the minute we entered to the forest. The pure joy of the fresh snow took us over. We climbed on the rocks, slide down the hill sides on our but...