Kaarestunturi, Kiimalaki
Kaarestunturi is a wide mountain with many peaks.
Both times when i have been sitting on top of Sattasvaara,
I have been looking over here and promised to myself to explore this mountain also.
Now it came time to keep this promise.
Like said, it's a wide mountain with many peaks,
so i decided to cut this adventure in smaller pieces.
From the map,
I realized that I actually live now super close to Kaarestunturi on it's southern side.
My plan was just to drive on bumpy little dirt roads and see,
where would be good place to ditch the car and start hiking.
When I found the road that was leading to the foot of the most southern peak of the mountain,
I parked the car and thought,
I will take just a little look while I'm here.
Well, we all know what "just a little look" means.
I spend nearly three hours (of course without water or any other supplies) on the field
and actually climbed on top of the first peak called Kiimalaki.
Which btw translates to Horny-peak.
The place was absolutely beautiful!
Again I was thinking while climbing and jumping on the rocks,
that I'm so happy just doing this.
Exploring and playing in the forest, as I did as a child.
I'm so lucky,
I have still not found the need to stop this just because I'm an adult now.
And I truly hope I will never find that need.
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